Monday, December 7, 2009

Ft Lauderdale, FL to Charleston, SC

We hired a captain to aid us in getting to Charleston... Although boating for many years, I was not comfortable taking this boat untested on the open ocean for 4 days. Amy had never sailed before. "Skip" was a great guy who we enjoyed spending time with prior to departure, Minor repairs and necessities (such as a new cd player,) were installed. West marine of Ft Lauderdale loved us that week. Changed the oil, topped off the fuel tanks, checked the rigging and to sea we went. About three hours into the trip on routine engine checks we found a leaking water pump. We decided to put into West Palm Beach for the night. So shamefully I called a mechanic because I have no idea at this point how or what needs replaced and we were paying for skip daily. Warm showers and cold beer were in order for the night. First light we were off non stop to Charleston. The sea was a bit confused with no wind so motoring it was. The lehman diesel purred for about 46 hours non stop to push us into Charleston. In that time about 2 am 75 NM off Savannah our hydraulic steering gave out and the autopilot told us quickly by alarming off course. GREAT! fluid was all over the ram that pushes the rudder and we luckily bought a quart at west marine. Amy clipped into the aft deck with emergency tiller in hand and steered us north like a pro while me and skip read the manual (the plane is going down.. learn to fly kinda book) filled and bled the system in between throwing up from not moving and bobbing around in the swells. It held all the way to Charleston. All night phosphorescence glowed in our bow wake and flying fish found there way on deck.. Skipped cooked these the next morning on approach to Charleston Harbor. Safely in her new home at Ashley Marina a new lifestyle begins....

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